Saturday, April 30, 2005

Birthday: Al Lewis

In his youth, Al Lewis began his career performing in the circus. But instead of continuing in the field of entertainment, Lewis decided on college. He earned a Ph.D. in child psychology from Columbia University. He became a teacher and wrote two children's books. But in 1949 Lewis turned to acting.

After years on Broadway, Lewis landed his first TV Series, Car 54, Where Are You? The show featured Lewis and co-star Fred Gwynne as foolish police officers. Both men would recieve greater fame in their next collaberation together, The Munsters. Lewis played Grandpa Dracula, the father-in-law to Gwynne's Frankenstein character. It was a role that both men would be remembered for their entire lives and beyond.

Since the end of The Munsters, Lewis has appeared on numerous television shows. He also ran for governor of New York in 1998 as a member of the Green Party. In June of 2003 Lewis had his third angioplasty. Complications from the surgery necessitated the ambutation of his right leg and his left foot.

If Grandpa Munster died today he would be worth 5 points for Jim.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Birthday: Ethel Kennedy

Born in 1928 Ethel Skakel married Robert Kennedy on June 17, 1950. As her husband became Attorney General under his brother's administration Ethel became a prominent member of the Kennedy clan. She also proved to be very fertile as she was carrying her eleventh child at the time of her husband's assassination. Two of her sons have died pre-maturely: Michael of a skiing accident and David of suicide. Her daughter Kathleen is currently Lt. Governor of Maryland.

Along with being the matriarch of the Kennedy family Ethel heads numerous charities and is a devout Catholic.

If Ethel Kennedy died today she would be worth 23 points for Izzy.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Birthday: Harry Morgan

Born in Detroit, 1915, Harry Morgan aspired to be a lawyer before discovering the profession of acting. He worked his way on stage to Broadway before moving to California in 1942. His first feature film was The Ox Bow Incident and he appeared in many other familiar movies such as High Noon, Inherit the Wind and Support Your Local Sheriff. But his real fame came from television. In the sixties he appeared alongside Jack Webb in the hit show Dragnet. However, he is most recognized as Col. Sherman Potter on M*A*S*H.

If Harry Morgan died today he would be worth 10 points for Jim.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Greg jumps into 2nd place.

More bad karma by Greg picking the Pope? Time will tell.