Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Trifecta

It's been a good time for Izzy as he grabs his third death of the week with the passing of Michael Jackson. The pop icon's death gives Izzy a whopping 50 points to go with the 38 from Farrah and 14 from Ed. That may be all he needs to ride out the year as it easily tops last year's best total of 85.

I'll show my respects for Ed McMahon and truly miss the gorgeous Farrah Fawcett but the world may actually be a better place without the child molesting, one glove freak show named Michael Jackson. And he certainly isn't getting his picture on this blog. So here's another one of Farrah:


Izzy Jumps Ahead

After a lengthy battle with cancer Farrah Fawcett died on Thursday. She was 62 years old. That gives Izzy another 38 points to go with the 14 he got just a couple of days ago thank to Ed McMahon. And it also gives him the lead!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

H-e-e-e-e-e-e-r-e's Izzy

Former Johnny Carson sidekick Ed McMahon died on Tuesday. McMahon has suffered numerous ailments in recent years including bone cancer. He was also a recovering alcoholic, something Johnny often joked about on the air. He was 86 years old.

McMahon's death gives Izzy 14 points, his first points of the year. It is only the third death in the Circling Buzzards as we near the halfway point. Apparently it's a bad year to die.