Saturday, January 08, 2005

Birthday: Stephen Hawking

300 years after the death of Galileo, Stephen Hawking was born in London, England in 1942. His education began at St Albans School, then University College, Oxford where he completed a first class honours degree in Natural Science. He then attended Cambridge and completed a PhD in cosmology.

Hawking was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease at the age of 21. At the time he was only given a few years to live. Obivously he has battled the crippling disease well although his symptoms have gradually worsened. After a tracheostomy in 1985 he has used an electronic voice synthesizer to communicate. He has also lost the use of his arms and legs. His computerized wheel chair is operated by a "Clicker" which allows him to control a computer screen. The computer can also be operated by head or eye movement.

Hawking has written two best selling books: A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell. He has three children with his first wife, who he divorced in 1990. He is also a grandfather of one child. He married again in 1995.

If Stephen Hawking died today he would be worth 37 points for Greg.

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