Monday, February 28, 2005

Belated Birthdays: Ariel Sharon & Elizabeth Taylor

Of all the clebrities on our lists these two people may appear to have the least in common. But on further notice they not only share the same day of birth, they have similar histories. In 1942, at the age of nine, Liz appeared in her first movie, There's One Born Every Minute. That same year Ariel joined Haganah, an organization created to gain independence from British rule. In 1967 Liz won critical acclaim, and her second Oscar for her role in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? One year later, Ariel was the commander of an armored division in the Six Day War.

The similarities go on and on, and think about this one: ten years after Liz played the title role in Cleopatra, Ariel led an army across the Suez canal into Egypt. That victory brought an end to war with Egypt as well as eventual long term peace between two nations. Coincidence, I don't think so.

And finally, in 2001 Ariel was elected Prime Minister of Israel. That same year Liz made what at this point is her last appearance on film in the made-for-TV movie These Old Broads.

My apologies to Ms. Taylor for missing her birthday. And my deepest apologies to Mr. Sharon for not only missing his birthday, but for the above rhetoric.

If Elizabeth Taylor died today she would be worth 27 points for Greg.
If Ariel Sharon died today he would be worth 23 points for Greg.

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