Saturday, December 31, 2005

2006 Death List Posted

The 2005 Death Pool ended with Greg winning with 77 points, Jim with 31 points, Dave with 20 points and Izzy with 15 points.

Tonight we gathered at a semi secret location in Hyde Park to pick our lists for 2006 which is posted below. This year we chose 20 names instead of 15 because that allowed us more time to drink beer. After our lists were completed we played poker for a few more hours, again for more beer.

9 minutes into the draft a side wager was proposed and accepted. $5 each to the player whose list contains the first casualty this year. Another $5 for the person whose list contains the last casualty of the year.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry Christmas Greg - From Ariel?

Ariel Sharon was rushed to the hospital today after suffering what appears to be a "non life threatening" mild stroke.

Because we can trust everything we hear from that Sharon camp....

Greg has pretty much achieved soothsayer status in my book. The $20 I was going to pay to participate in the 2006 death pool is now going directly to Greg in return for some lottery numbers.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

We're Not Worthy

As tempting as it is to comment on the life and times of Richard Pryor, given the circumstances, and the $20 I will soon part with, I feel obligated to recognize Mr. Guthrie and his amazing feat of 4 out of the top 5 people on his list cashing in. Quite impressive.

And yes, there is still time for Ladybird to fly the coop for the perfect 5/5.

Maybe Peterson or 50 Cent will send me a nice present this year.

But that's not nice to wish for.

Certainly Greg will pick last in the 2006 draft?