Saturday, December 10, 2005

We're Not Worthy

As tempting as it is to comment on the life and times of Richard Pryor, given the circumstances, and the $20 I will soon part with, I feel obligated to recognize Mr. Guthrie and his amazing feat of 4 out of the top 5 people on his list cashing in. Quite impressive.

And yes, there is still time for Ladybird to fly the coop for the perfect 5/5.

Maybe Peterson or 50 Cent will send me a nice present this year.

But that's not nice to wish for.

Certainly Greg will pick last in the 2006 draft?

1 comment:

Greg (Rug) said...

Not to rub salt in your wounds, however I should have another point because I was convinced that MAx Schmelling for 1 point was not worth it.