Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Good News for Izzy - Bad news for Dave- Neutral news for Jim- Still no news for Greg

Seems that one of Izzy's 'Unkowns' died back in October.- Paul Hunter the snooker player

This gives Izzy the lead and probably the win. But Jim still has last death because he died in October.

While congratulations is given to Izzy, I personally feel this pick really stretched the meaning of "famous". I think we need to discuss some parameters for this (agreement among players or mentioned major news source) because snooker players and assistant minor league hockey coaches are borderline famous at best.

No offense intended Izzy, just think this needs to be brought up. Congrats on the win.


Dave said...

I agree with Greg - this guy was far too obscure to be allowed in. Let's agree on a more definable criteria for this year's draft.


P.S. Greg - if all that was standing between me and $60 was you, I would have gladly cut you in. Hopefully Izzy is making it more worth your while than I would have.

Jim said...

Who in the hell is Ronnie Biggs?

I don't think we need a tome of rules. If no other Buzzards have heard of the person when he/she is chosen, the pick does not count.

By the way, I like the multi-colored board.